CO:RESPONSE provides immediate advice and assistance during cyber incidents

CO:RESPONSE is a one-stop solution for new and existing clients affected by security breaches or serious cyber incidents. We - and our selected partners with experience from intelligence services, law enforcement and handling complex security incidents - provide urgent advice on handling alerts, ransomware negotiations, digital forensics and more.  
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What do you do when you have an incident?

If your organization is hit by a cyber incident, such as a hacker attack or ransomware, it is crucial to act immediately.

All experience shows that handling and containing a cyber incident requires experience from similar cases. While every cyber incident is unique, uncovering who is behind the attack and assessing the best strategy to follow, requires insight into the threat landscape, the relevant regulations and experience.

It's a difficult process to manage where, in the worst-case scenario, your organization faces not being able to perform its tasks or serve its customers for an extended period.

In collaboration with our select group of advisors, we customize CO:RESPONSE to the specific incident affecting your organization, so you can rest assured that the significant legal and business risks that cyber incidents can cause are handled professionally.

CO:PLAY ensures that both your top management and organization are supported from the moment the incident occurs until the last server is restored and the regulatory reports are handled.

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The people responsible for CO:RESPONSE

Christian Wiese Svanberg
Mandeep Singh Rathour
Lawyer, CEO
Be prepared with CO:RESPONSE
If you want your business to be in the best possible position in the event of a cyberattack, preparation is key:

Are you ready to comply with legislation and NIS2? And do you have the right procedures and measures in place so you can take direct action in the event of an incident? We help you make compliance concrete and practical so that cyber incident management becomes part of your daily compliance work.
  • Practical on-boarding of your organization on the CO:RESPONSE solution so that all practical matters regarding contact information, anchoring, etc. are clarified before the need for assistance arises.
  • Tailored NIS2 compliance course and sector-specific cybersecurity briefing for relevant employees and your top management by Christian Wiese Svanberg
  • Specific advice on how to best prepare to handle cyber incidents of varying degrees of severity and scope
  • Introduction to the specific services and suppliers of the CO:RESPONSE solution
  • Advice on establishing emergency preparedness, emergency communication solutions, etc.
  • Practical on-boarding of your organization on the CO:RESPONSE solution so that all practical matters regarding contact information, anchoring, etc. are clarified before the need for assistance arises
Any organization can be challenged by cybersecurity incidents such as ransomware or hacker attacks.
 When a cybersecurity incident occurs, it is crucial to act quickly, but at the same time manage all relevant risks.In particular, NIS2 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) oblige authorities and companies to manage and report cybersecurity incidents and personal data breaches. Experience shows that incident management is a difficult process where it is crucial for companies and authorities to be able to draw on advisors with relevant experience and insight.

Depending on the nature and scope of the individual incident, we and our circle of selected partners ensure that the advice addresses all aspects of a security incident and minimizes the negative consequences of the incident.
CO:RESPONSE draws on CO:PLAY's unique network and experience with cyber security, so our clients can access all relevant forms of advice and assistance without devoting valuable time and resources to searching the market when they are affected by an incident.

Both variants of CO:RESPONSE ensure our clients a comprehensive incident management, where we - as needed - assist in engaging one or more of our trusted suppliers and partners to assist with digital forensics, restoration of systems, negotiations with ransomware actors, etc. This gives you immediate access to recognized cyber security experts etc. in a set-up where we ensure ongoing compliance with relevant legislative requirements and competent handling of the dialogue with the authorities in connection with incident reports etc. All services provided as part of CO:RESPONSE will thus be subject to the rules of legal ethics and our statutory duty of confidentiality.

CO:RESPONSE in practice

On the basis of our dialogue with you and in light of how extensive the incident turns out to be, we will agree on which services and suppliers are specifically relevant for you to draw on. We always ensure that your organization is supported and advised from the time an incident is uncovered until all systems are restored, the dialogue with the authorities is completed, and the incident can be considered closed.

CO:RESPONSE can be an integral part of your organization's compliance with the future requirements of the NIS2 legislation. In this context, CO:PLAY recommends that organizations do not wait for the implementation of NIS2 in Danish legislation before rolling out the solution, as experience shows that it is a comprehensive task to anchor incident management in organizations of all sizes. At the same time, the requirements for incident management are already so clear that they should be implemented and incorporated into your internal routines as soon as possible.

Contact us if you want to hear more about CO:RESPONSE.